Week 1 of Lockdown, things I missed & things I changed:

December 13, 2022
3 min read
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Working from home has forced us all to adapt our way of doing things. I wanted to share a few of the things I've experienced this past week and how I've adapted.

  1. Seeing people, seeing faces - Just being able to say hello to people or have a chat over my morning coffee with Rob was something I missed a lot, that human interaction. We took every opportunity we could to video call to discuss work. This also meant nothing could be misinterpreted over Whatsapp and we didn't end up just talking to ourselves! This also extended to meetings we had with external people, with almost all of them turning into video calls, when usually they'd have been just audio. It's always nice to put a name to a face, not just a voice!
  2. De-tech to reconnect - Technology is now an even more critical part of my life, I am on it far more than I was previously. The problem is it began to rule my life. Constantly on my phone or laptop, my partner and I soon began to just spend mealtimes in silence, on our phones engrossed in work, desperate not to miss a client update or something that was 'super critical' to turning our businesses around. In a time when we were spending more time than ever together, we weren't actually engaging with one another. New rule - no technology at mealtimes, chat, find out how one another is doing, and be a little more social.
  3. I like to move it, move it - On a regular day I'm in between client buildings, cycling, walking, running, taking a class, getting my steps in wherever I can. Obviously things have changed somewhat. I read something mad about a chap who ran 31 miles in his living room while in isolation! I haven't gone that far just yet...for the time being, while my daily target for steps has dropped a little, I'm still trying to hit around 10,000. I've been doing this by trying to get a long morning walk in early or a run, this more than ever is something I am cherishing, look forward to and know it has big mental as well as physical benefits for me. Then once back indoors I'm walking around when I can, taking calls up on my feet as well as some indoor exercise sessions. Being even more conscious of when I've been sat down for prolonged periods of time. Like right now. See you in a sec. I'm back! As always movement is more important than exercise alone. We might be more confined but we can still move little and often. Set a bloody alarm if you have to, just don't sit on your arse all day.

The amount of food my mind wants me to eat at all times and feelings of anxiety/overwhelm have also been themes so far for me, I might explore those next time I post. I'd love to hear how you've been adapting, what things you've been changing up in order to stay on top of your own well-being!