The theme of this year's Mental Health Awareness Week is Anxiety, so we've asked some of our fantastic mental health advocates, speakers and team members to share about their experiences for our blog. Here …
The last three years has seen a big rise in the uptake of corporate therapy and corporate counselling services. We launched That Day Corporate Therapy back in January 2020, with no idea what was …
I met a man called Al the other day who was involved in a serious motorcycle accident about 9 years ago, so serious that he remembered his hand and his leg hanging on by …
Late December can be a stressful time for many, especially if you have aspirations to improve your fitness and health in the new year. Multiple three-course meals, calorific drinks, and endless snacking can leave …
When That Day are running workshops for clients and I get a question asking how to manage personal wellbeing with the demands of being a parent, I always feel slightly ill-equipped. How can I …
This week on our Morning Mindset sessions Jonny, our Mindfulness and NHS Counselor, is exploring the theme of happiness. The idea of finding happiness tends to be an end goal that many people are …
Working from home has forced us all to adapt our way of doing things. I wanted to share a few of the things I've experienced this past week and how I've adapted. Seeing people, …
Yesterday was World Mental Health Day. A whole day dedicated to raising awareness around what's going on inside our heads, both the good and the not so good. At That Day we ran a …